creative finance
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 I Don't Buy Equity i Buy Cash Flow
Heroes aren't born.
They're built.
I’ve spent over $100,000 on bad advice. It all started with a $1 million dollar bankruptcy letter that essentially derailed my construction business. But what looked like an omen was actually a turning point. This path led me to creative finance, the most effective and affordable way to get started in real estate. Now it’s my job to spread this message, teach others to build generational wealth, and show people you can reach the finish line from any starting point.
Pace Morby
If you want to take a ride with me…In the early days, I used to ask people to meet me on Saturday morning and I’d show them exactly how to build an investment business. But this taught me two things… 1. Service is not just the occasional Saturday morning, it’s all the time. You have to raise your level of value. 2. Only about 1 out of 100 people I showed these business secrets would actually take action. If I wanted to make a bigger impact, I literally had to reach more people and show them exactly what to do.
There’s a reason I dominate the creative finance and subject to space. It’s because the Riches are in the Niches
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